May 14 Annual General Meeting of Local 415: All full-time and partial-load faculty
The annual general meeting of the local is taking place Thursday, May 14 after the Presidents’s BBQ in Room T302 from 2:00 to 4:00. The agenda here Minutes of last AGM here
Ottawa Sun :Retired Algonquin prez made $443Gs
The next time you are told there is no money for PD or equipment or to hire someone partial-load rather than part-time, remember this…. Retired Algonquin prez made $443Gs
Presentation of March 26,2015
If you were not able to make the General Meeting on March 26,2015 Please see the presentation from Kim MacPherson Benefits counselor OPSEU Local 415 CAAT Benefits CAAT Retiree Benefits Brochure
Ottawa Sun recommends Algonquin get out of Saudi Arabia
The Ottawa Sun editorial board is urging the college to get out of Saudi Arabia. Please click on this link here