We are one of 24 colleges in Ontario belonging to the CAAT (Colleges of Applied Arts & Technology) division. There are about 14,000 CAAT employees, and we are divided into CAAT-A (academic) and CAAT-S (support).
Local 415 full-time (FT) members include professors, instructors, librarians, and counsellors. Typically, new FT members are on probation for one year after being hired.
Local 415 partial-load (PL) members make up approximately a third of the bargaining unit. Article 26 of the CA applies exclusively to PL employees, which includes PL professors and PL instructors. To be PL you must have a contract for 7-12 hours of teaching in a semester, for at least 7 consecutive weeks. To ensure you are considered for re-hiring, be sure to register on the Partial-Load Registry by October 30 each calendar year. Your PL Liaison steward is Martin Lee who can be reached at comms@locallines.org.
If you have not signed your OPSEU membership form, please do so and contact us at comms@locallines.org with your completed form.
If you are teaching 1-6 hours or +13 hours in a semester, you are considered part-time (PT) or sessional, respectively. While you are PT or sessional, you are not part of the Local 415 bargaining unit. However, if you have been PL at some point in the academic year, you maintain OPSEU membership rights. That is, you can still be considered for PL work, vote on union matters, and attend meetings. However, if you have been PL at some point in the academic year, you maintain OPSEU membership rights and should update your details on the PL Registry.