OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

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Our bylaws have been amended so that Local 415 will have even-year spring elections moving forward  — that is when a general election will be held for all stewards and officers of our Local.

There are a number of current steward vacancies to fill, so we are running a steward by-election now. The term of office is from December 14, 2023 to May 31, 2024.

Stewards are nominated and elected by members of their campus location. The steward nomination form is linked here. If an equal or smaller number of stewards are nominated per campus than allotted, stewards will be acclaimed. The acclaimed or elected stewards constitute the Local Executive Committee (LEC). If a steward election is needed, you will receive another notice for a December by-election.

The number of stewards is determined by the number of union members on each campus. For the upcoming term, the number of vacancies (of eligible total number of stewards) are as follows:

  • Pembroke: 1 (of 3)
  • Perth: 1 (of 1)
  • Woodroffe: 10 (of 38)

Good Reasons to Run for Steward:

 1. No experience is necessary: your learning will be supported by experienced members on the Local Executive, to whom you can refer any concerns.
2. Being a steward is not a major time commitment: minimally, one 2-hour meeting per month and availability to answer or refer your colleagues’ questions. Beyond that, your level of involvement is up to you.
3. Stewards are actively involved in Local decision-making: stewards shape the political path for our Local.
4. Being a steward is informative: at our monthly meetings, you will hear from other stewards what is going on in other parts of the college.
5. As a steward, you will assist in building a strong voice to advocate for faculty.

Completed nomination forms must be sent to comms@locallines.org by 12 noon on Thursday, December 7.

In solidarity,

Sophie Shamoon
OPSEU / SEFPO Staff Representative
Local 415 Election Officer

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