Seniority and rotation

OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

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We’re receiving many questions about how seniority works in relation to annual leave. You are choosing when you would like to use your annual leave not which semester you would prefer to work. If you would like to use your annual leave in July/August, you need to indicate this to your manager ASAP.

Our collective agreement, and Claude Brule’s May 2019 memo, are clear that “seniority shall be given consideration in resolving conflicting vacation requests.” There is only one seniority list for full-time faculty (professors and instructors), counsellors, and librarians. There are no exceptions based on classification, or additional duties like coordination, and no reference to schools, departments or “clusters”. Your seniority only increases over time, so your opportunity to use your annual leave during your preferred time should also increase.

Agreeing to a rotation that does not conform to your preferred annual leave period is like giving up your seniority rights under the collective agreement.

We have also become aware of nearly 30 programs which are exempt from the 14 week model which seems to suggest that faculty in these areas are also exempt from rotation.

Our advice is to let your manager know each academic year what your preference is for your annual leave period. If your request is denied, please contact the union office at ext. 7716.

Pat Kennedy,

President, Local 415

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