To Members of Local 415

OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

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Please join your colleagues at the Contract Demand Setting Meeting set for Thursday, February 16,2012 at 4:00 in Salon D of the Cafeteria, Refreshments will be provided.

Our current collective agreement expires August 31,2012. This upcoming meeting is the one where you and other members of the local have a say on what should be the priorities for the upcoming round of bargaining. The demands can be on any aspect of the Collective Agreement that you wish to see enhanced or changes.

Based on the 295 responses we received to our per-bargaining survey from full-time faculty,we know that workload, academic freedom and coordination are the three top issues.

Based on the 92 responses from the partial-load faculty to the same survey, we know that staffing, workload, and job security are three of the top issues.

However, the only demands that will go from our local to the provincial demand setting meeting are those you put forward and vote on. Therefore make your voice(s) heard and join your colleagues on February 16,2012.

Pat Kennedy

President, Local 415

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