Fall 2016 Semester: Survey results

Here are the results of survey of Local 415 faculty regarding Fall 2016 semester https://locallines.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/OPSEU-415-Survey-Results-on-Fall-2016-Semester.pdf

Protect TV Access for rural/low-income Ontario

Please sign this petition to keep TVO broadcasting over-the-air. TVO has recently decided to pull the plug on over-the-air transmitters in all of Ontario execpt for one transmission tower in the Toronto area. Rural Ontarian are  in many ways already disadvantage by the high costs or lack of access to the internet. For many families […]

Collective Agreement Bargaining 2017-info for members Video #2

As we approaching the date of our Local 415 demand-setting meeting ( Thursday February 09, from 4-7 p.m. in the staff dinning room, D building Marketplace Cafeteria ), we have created a follow-up video to help you get prepared. You can find our second video here https://www.screencast.com/t/cMJxflli0AFs In this video you will hear about 5 suggested […]

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