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Local 415 stewards are here to represent the full membership.

Local 415 has a Local Executive Committee (LEC) that consists of ~35 stewards. Several stewards hold positions as officers and representatives on specific committees. For details about individual LEC stewards, you can scroll through these images and read some short bios.

If you are interested in becoming a steward or connecting with a specific steward, reach out to us at Please note, nominations and elections happen every two years and terms last two years.

Get to Know Your Stewards

The Local Executive Committee (LEC) consists of ~35 stewards and several officers. You will find some details about your stewards and officers below:

To see a full PDF list of your stewards, their roles, extensions, and a selection of their committee work, follow this overview link to your 2024-2026 LEC (updated September 2024).


Follow this login if you are currently a steward and would like to prepare for an upcoming LEC meeting.


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