Our Local includes members who receive a Standard Workload Formula (SWF) document that records their teaching work by semester and members who do not receive a SWF. Full-time professors and instructors should receive a SWF. Counsellors, Librarians, PL professors, and PL instructors do not receive a SWF and receive their work information separately.
If you are in the group of FT professors and instructors, you will find details about the SWF process under Article 11 and Appendix 1 in the Collective Agreement.
It is critical to note that once you have received your SWF, you have 5 days to sign and respond to the SWF. Be sure to sign, date, and check off Mutual Agreement of Assigned Workload before returning the SWF within 5 business days. If you do not sign and return the SWF, you are deemed to have accepted the workload. If you disagree with the SWF, you should sign and date the SWF, check off Proposed Workload Referred to College Workload Monitoring Group, and return the SWF within the 5 days. Follow this link to find a handy one-page SWF Information page (with specific references to CA articles).
SWF (Standard Workload Formula) Process
FT academic professors and instructors are covered by Article 11 and Appendix 1
SWF Calculator
Use this SWF calculator to check your SWF. If you have questions about your SWF, around the hour allocation or how your factors have been developed and assigned, contact the Local via comms@locallines.org
Workload Information for Counsellors and Librarians
Under Article 11.04 A, Counsellors and Librarians shall be assigned 35 hours per week. Although Counsellors and Librarians are not assigned SWFs, under Article 11.04 C, when they are assigned teaching responsibilities, they must also receive appropriate preparation and evaluation factors. Under Article 8.04 B (i), for workload calculation purposes for union business, one teaching contact hour is deemed equivalent to three hours of work assignment for Librarians or Counsellors.
Workload Information for Partial-Load Professors and Instructors
Under Article 26, PL professors and instructors work 7-12 hours and are paid an hourly rate per teaching contact hour based on step level. In addition, PL are eligible for the meeting rate for additional non-teaching work, including attending meetings.
How do I complete a preliminary check of my SWF?
1) Review the front page of your SWF (courses, sections, types and factors, student numbers, teaching weeks).
2) Review the back page of your SWF (Comp functions = standard 6-hour allowance, other committees, advising, or allowances).
3) Make sure your maximum is 44 hours unless you agreed to overtime (maximum +3 hours). (Probationary faculty excluded.)
Who do I approach with workload issues?
Contact the comms@locallines.org with workload questions. You will receive help reviewing and validating your workload.
What is the Workload Monitoring Group (WMG)?
The WMG is a joint management-union committee that addresses workload issues. If you have problems with your SWF, contact comms@locallines.org to receive support and advice about moving forward.
Can a steward accompany me to a meeting with my manager?
Yes. If you would like a steward at your meeting with management, contact comms@locallines.org