On the Line: College Faculty Strike Bulletin #3
Please find the new strike bulletin attached. Emily Visser Communications Officer Agente de communication OPSEU/SEFPO 416-443-8888 x8714 416-557-7936
Strike gaining momentum via The Chronicle of Higher Education!
We have been picked up by The Chronicle of Higher Education – social media is making a difference in how the news and issues are being reported this time around!!! http://www.chronicle.com/blogs/profhacker/digital-picketing/64475
Wednesday, October 25 Local 415 Strike Bulletin
Real troupers Hats off to the morning shifts who persevered in very wet weather Tuesday morning. Even graduates of the Pre-Health Sciences program and current Practical Nursing students joined us in the rain! While all lines have enjoyed good support from the students and the public in the fine weather, today sent a clear message to everyone […]
Reasons behind college strike discussed by local union president
Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) Local 420 President Eric Bauer, from Loyalist College, provides details about the motivation from the faculty’s perspective underlying the current strike at the 24 colleges in Ontario during a conversation on Consider This Live, part of the Drive Time on Northumberland 89.7 FM. Here’s the link to this excellent […]
Strike Bulletin No. 1
Support pours in as Faculty Strike begins please read full bulletin here
Picket line solidarity
Message from the Local 415 Strike Committee: During a strike, there is no crossing the picket line for any reasons. The OPSEU Strike Policy is clear that with the exception of essential emergency services, no member of the bargaining unit that is on strike is to cross the picket line under any circumstances. By going on […]
CAAT-A Strike Notice
Please read here Press release advising that as of 12:01am on Monday, October 16, 2017 that our division is on strike. Despite our attempts for an on time settlement, the employer has not been interested in bargaining in earnest. Thank you for continued support. In Solidarity, The Bargaining Team
Baraining Bulletin #13: College Employer Council’s latest bulletin: more misinformation and double-speak
Bulletin here College Employer Council’s latest bulletin: more misinformation and double-speak With their latest bulletin, the College Employer Council is once again misleading college faculty, students, and the Ontario public. They say their final offer will create full-time positions and increase faculty autonomy. In fact, it will do exactly the opposite. Staffing grievances […]
Video Message
Bargaining Team Video update
CAAT-A Negotiations Bulletin, Issue 12, October 11, 2017
Council walks away from the table College faculty returned to the bargaining table Tuesday morning, October 10, ready to negotiate. Council tabled an offer that did not address any of faculty’s key demands. We could not recommend it to our members, and we told them so in detail. The college faculty team rejected […]