Many thanks to the 700+ faculty who turned out to the Province-wide Bargaining Update webinar on February 2nd, and to the additional hundreds of faculty who’ve been attending local bargaining Q&As. There has been incredible engagement at these events, along with fantastic questions and feedback from those who have been able to attend. The message has been clear: faculty are voting to reject management’s forced offer. The online vote is scheduled to take place February 15 @ 9:00 am – February 17 @ 3:00 pm. For more information, click here.
Info from the Faculty Webinar
If you weren’t able to attend the webinar on February 2nd, we have made available to faculty a recording of the presentation and Q&A can be viewed here, along with the presentation slides (attached).
Work-to-rule: Principles and Protocols
The bargaining team has created an overview document of the principles guiding faculty’s work-to-rule labour action (attached). You can also check out detailed lists of struck work activities for Phase One and Phase Two here. You have union support and legal protections if you refuse to do work that you understand to be “struck work” according to those principles and lists. If you perceive any potential threat or retaliation from your supervisor, please let you Union Local know immediately, and fill out the work-to-rule incident form.
Instructing Students: Student Q&A Webinar
The College Student Alliance is hosting a LIVE Q&A with the faculty bargaining team on February 8 from 7-9pm. All students are welcome. Please circulate this information to your students. It is appropriate to use College e-mail or Learning Management Systems to do so.
CAAT-A Radio Campaign
Please keep your ears open next week for a new series of five radio spots produced and promoted by OPSEU Campaigns in support of our efforts leading up to the forced offer vote. The spots emphasize the importance of College faculty for the success of our students and our communities. As you can see above, we are collectively reaching out to members and students and the broader public. Please join in this effort by sharing your own stories and messages on social media, and by reaching out to your colleagues to ensure that they vote to REJECT the CEC’s forced offer. Only by rejecting the effort can we continue our unified effort to improve our working conditions and our students’ learning conditions.
Yours in Solidarity,
JP, Jonathan, Kathleen, Ravi, Rebecca, Michelle, and Shawn