Bargaining 2021

Bargaining 2021

Ontario College Faculty reach mediated settlement with College Employer Council in wage reopener negotiations after Bill 124 deemed unconstitutional

On Monday, the bargaining teams for Ontario College Faculty and the College Employer Council reached a mediated settlement on compensation from 2021-24, following the overturning of Bill 124 in the courts. The settlement provided salary increases of 3%, 3%, and 3.5% annually, including the 1% increases that had originally been awarded under the Bill. It […]

Faculty Wage Reopening Update

Dear CAAT-A Members, Monday, the College faculty bargaining team will be in mediation with the bargaining agent for the Colleges.  This mediation is designed to remedy the harm caused by an unconstitutional law that prevented the 16,000 CAAT-A faculty members from negotiating appropriate wage increases in our recent round of bargaining. Finally, in Monday’s wage reopening mediation, […]

Benefits and Bargaining Update

Dear Members, We are writing to let you know that we are nearing the end of this round of bargaining (other than negotiating a Bill 124 remedy for wages and benefits). The latest significant development is that the benefit improvements under Bill 124 have been finalized. Under Bill 124, our wages and total compensation package […]

Bargaining Update – February 2023

We have a few updates related to bargaining. As a reminder, although the new collective agreement (CA) is not yet signed and distributed, Arbitrator William Kaplan’s Award took effect immediately on the date of issue (September 23rd, 2022). This award effects significant changes to the CA (see Since this date, your CAAT-A Bargaining Team […]

Kaplan Award on Remainder (Improvements to Benefits)

Arbitrator William Kaplan issued an award on September 23rd, 2022, which resulted in a new Collective Agreement (CA) with significant improvements for our members. Most of that CA became effective immediately on the date of Kaplan’s award. There has been one key outstanding issue and a resolution has, unfortunately, not come easily. The College Employer  […]

New Collective Agreement FAQ

Dear Members, On September 30 and October 3, the bargaining team had the opportunity to meet with over 1,600 college faculty provincewide, during Zoom Town Halls.  During those meetings, we discussed the Kaplan award that will form our new Collective Agreement.  We also had the chance to answer many questions from participants, although there were […]

Invitation to Attend Bargaining Information Sessions

Please join us at one of the following Bargaining Information Sessions. Sessions are offered in various modes and organized by different groupings to allow the widest possible attendance and participation.  At the session, you will hear a short presentation from the Local 415 union executive where we provide more context to the details Kaplan decision […]

An update from your Bargaining team: Arbitrator awards improvements far beyond those offered by Employer in negotiations

On September 23, Arbitrator William Kaplan awarded all OPSEU/SEFPO College Faculty members a new collective agreement that will govern our working conditions until September 30, 2024.   This award (linked here) includes significant gains in areas including equity, indigenization and partial-load job security, and acknowledges workload associated with multi-modal courses.   Click here to download […]

Gains from the 2022 Kaplan Award

By now, you have likely seen Arbitrator Kaplan’s decision, released on Friday afternoon.  It concludes this round of bargaining, which lasted 15 months, in the middle of a pandemic and under the wage constraints of Bill 124. We have much to be proud of, including having achieved a concession-free agreement, with gains for our collective […]

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