1. Editor Local Lines -Jack Wilson 2 year term
2. WMG- J.P.Lamarche continues another year Pat Kennedy/Marlaine Finnegan/David Haley elected. Alternates Rod Bain, Christine Wojcik
3. CESC- J.P.Lamarche and Jack Wilson elected. Pat Kennedy Automatic continuing for another year-Rod Bain and Mike Nauth. David Haley and Shawn Pentecost are alternates.
4. Health and Safety Committee-Acclaimed Alain Peyrun-Berron. Continuing for another year Marlaine Finnegan. Christine Wojcik, David Haley and J.P.Lamarche
5. CAAT Division (DIVEX)- Pat Kennedy automatic. Jack Wilson, Marlaine Finnegan, Maria Taylor Elected. Shawn Pentecost and Rod Bain alternates.
6. OPSEU Convention- 2012 Pat Kennedy automatic. Audrey Rosa, Shawn Pentecost, Jack Wilson elected. Christine Wojcik , Marlaine Finnegan alternates.
7. OPSEU Regional 2012- Pat Kennedy automatic. Maria Taylor, Christine Wojcik, David Haley elected. Rod Bain and Mary Ann Hansen alternates.
8. OPSEU Area Council- Christine Wojcik continues until 2012
9. ODLC- Christine Wojcik acclaimed.
10. Trustees- Linda Reiche and Jeff Jackson have agreed to serve for another two years