A Vision
Read here Smokey’s blog Life in Drummondville
Hot off the press- Union Demonstration
On February 27, 2012 Read here full article in the Ottawa Citizen on the demonstration after Algonquin College suspends staff member over letter .
CAAT Academic Benefits Newsletter
Here is the latest issue of the CAAT Academic Benefits newsletter (February 2012).
News Release Solidarity BBQ Rally
Please note a solidarity rally and BBQ for all college staff in support of a suspended Local 416 (Support Staff) union officer on Monday Feb.27,2012 at noon at the Woodroffe entrance to the college. Read full details here Look at poster here
Response to the College President’s communique of February 3rd
The following attachment here is the response of the Local Union Executive to the communique issued by the College President on February 3rd,2012 concerning the Citizen article. Pat Kennedy President Local 415
CAAT-A Negotiation News
Why is Academic Freedom Important for Ontario Colleges read here
To Members of Local 415
Please join your colleagues at the Contract Demand Setting Meeting set for Thursday, February 16,2012 at 4:00 in Salon D of the Cafeteria, Refreshments will be provided. Our current collective agreement expires August 31,2012. This upcoming meeting is the one where you and other members of the local have a say on what should be […]