Notice of OPSEU 415 Elections

Nominations have closed for the officer positions for OPSEU Local 415. There will be an elections for five positions: one of the positions is acclaimed. President: Pat Kennedy and Shawn McBride First Vice President: Catherine Kenney and Jack Wilson Second Vice President: Paul Ebbs and David Haley Chief Steward: Roger Davey and J.P. Lamarche Treasurer: […]

Algonquin Saudi campus draws criticism from faculty

CBC Radio: Tuesday November 19,2013 The Union representing faculty at Algonquin College is speaking out against an Algonquin campus that is opening in Saudi Arabia. On Tuesday, Hallie Cotnam spoke to a member of OPSEU as well as a college Spokesperson:

Announcement for Local 415 Election of Officers

As the electoral officer, I am pleased to announce the following people have been acclaimed as stewards for Local 415. There was an acclamation at Perth after one of the candidates withdrew. The Steward list below are the people who are eligible to be nominated for any of the six officer positions: President First Vice […]

Local 415 Elections

As the electoral officer,I am pleased to announce the following two people have been acclaimed as stewards at Pembroke: Pauline Edmonds and Shawn Pentecost The following 37 people have beem acclaimed as stewards at Woodroffe: Ian Allen;Wahab Almuhtadi;Dan Anderson;Jeremy Anderson Maria Belanger;Sharleen Conrad-Beatty;Linda Crane Roger Davey;Enrico De Francesco;Marie Durocher Paul Ebbs;Scott Fewer;Sandra Gibbons David Haley;Stephen […]

Campaign for Quality Education: Off to Algonquin

As part of the union’s “quality Education” Campaign, Kevin MacKay (a faculty member from Mohawk College) is touring the 24 colleges and is reporting on his findings. You can read his updates,including his visit at Algonquin, at the following blog:      

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