Local 415 Results
This is the unofficial count for Algonquin College. There are five segregated ballots to be counted and eleven mail-in ballots that have until September 30 to arrive at the OLRB in time for the offcial count. 1. Number of names on the list as prepared by parties 810 […]
Mail-in Ballots available for September 23 Vote
Our local has just been informed that a mail-in ballot is an option available who are unable to vote September 23. To obtain a ballot, please go to the Union Office (C215b) between 8:00 and 4:00 today or Monday, September 22. Instructions on how mail in the ballot will be provided at that time.
Why Vote No-Special Negotiations Bulletin No.3
On September 11, your Local Executive Committee (LEC) passes the following motion: The LEC of local 415 recommends that the membership vote to reject the memorandum of settlement. Why your OPSEU Local 415 Executive Committee recommends voting “NO” on September 23. The decision to recommend rejection of the settlement offer was not taken lightly. However, […]
Why Vote No-Special Negotiations Bulletin No. 2
Workload: Removal of section caps and the 8-hour workday On September 11, your Local Executive Committee (LEC ) passed the following motion: The LEC of Local 415 recommends that the membership vote to reject the memorandum of settlement. Here is another look at why. Article 11: Removal of the cap on total teaching sections This […]
Why Vote No- Special Negotiations Bulletin No. 1
Article 2: Staffing and Economic Viability On September 11,your Local Executive Committee (LEC) passed the following motion: The LEC of Local 415 recommends that the membership vote to reject the memorandum of settlement. Here is a look at why. Article 2: Negative Impact on Full-time and Partial Load Faculty including staffing, the cost of LTD, […]
By-Election for three Woodroffe Stewards
There are three vacancies on the Local Executive Committee for three stewards from the Woodroffe Campus. The nominations form ( see below) needs to be submitted to the Union Office (C215b) by Friday, September 26 before noon. In the event there are more nominations than positions, an election will be held Friday, October 3rd. Nelson […]
Major concerns for faculty regarding the Memorandum of Settlement
Read the following attachment , here carefully before voting September 23. The officers of the local have made their own assessment of the Memorandum of Settlement. The limited gains but more importantly the major concessions do not allow us to endorse the settlement. Similar concerns have been expressed by the leadership at other locals. Yesterday, […]