By-Election for three Woodroffe Stewards

OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

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There are three vacancies on the Local Executive Committee for three stewards from the Woodroffe Campus. The nominations form ( see below) needs to be submitted to the Union Office (C215b) by Friday, September 26 before noon.

In the event there are more nominations than positions, an election will be held Friday, October 3rd.

Nelson Ross Laguna

OPSEU Region 4 Rep and Electoral Officer for Local 415


Nomination Form 

I ________________(name of nominator) nominate ___________________(name of nominee) for the position of Steward on the Woodroffe Campus

________________(signature of nominator). I accept ____________________(signature of nominee)


Submit to the Faculty Union Office (C215b) by noon, Friday, September 26,2014


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