Sisters and Brothers,
I wanted to let everyone know that I have been unable to confirm a successful candidate for the position of 2nd Vice President of your by-election held on December 5th. After a very close result there were some irregularities due to inaccurate membership lists provided by the College. The college has an obligation to provide the local with a verified list which occurred in time for the election, however we found inaccuracies late in the day before the voting closed and that has resulted in an inability to confirm a successful candidate. The issue is that some partial load staff appeared as sessional and some sessional staff appeared as partial load.
I have no choice but to render this election void and to re-run an election in February. I will work with the local to create a new system of verification to ensure the College’s verified list is in fact accurate. I will notify everyone of that new process before the next election.
Thank you to everyone for participating.
Have a happy holiday season and I will see you in 2019.
in Solidarity,
Nelson Ross Laguna