Bargaining Town Hall – Sept 12, 5:30-7

OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

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Our next online Bargaining Town Hall, is September 12th, 5:30-7pm. The focus is the Workload Task Force Report findings, and how these findings support the Faculty proposals currently on the table.  A bargaining update will also be provided.

Register here for the Bargaining Town Hall.

Submit your questions in advance of the Bargaining Town Hall by emailing

In solidarity,

Your Local 415 Leadership Team
Tracy Henderson, President
Judy Puritt, First Vice-President
Martin Lee, Second Vice-President
Tara Ettinger, Lead Steward
Liz von Moos, Secretary
Saif Terai, Treasurer

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