There are three vacancies on the Local Executive Committee for two stewards from the Woodroffe Campus and one steward from the Perth Campus. The nomination form (see below) needs to be submitted to the Union Office (C215b) by noon, Wednesday, October 17, 2018.
In the event there are more nominations than positions, an election will be held Wednesday, October 24, 2018.
Nelson Ross Laguna
OPSEU Region 4 Rep and
Electoral Officer for Local 415
Nomination Form
I __________________ (name of nominator) nominate __________________(name of nominee)
for the position of Steward on the __________________ (Woodroffe or Perth) Campus.
__________________ (signature of nominator).
I accept ____________________ (signature of nominee).
Submit to the Faculty Union Office (C215b) by noon, Wednesday, October 17, 2018.