Working from home

Working from home

February Message

OPSEU Local 415 condemns the ongoing truck convoy protest. We respect and support everyone’s right to peacefully protest, but this occupation has long passed that point.  To all of our members impacted by the protest, please reach out to us if you require any support, including accessing resources from the college. Our local also has […]

Local Update May 2020

We hope that you are staying safe and prioritizing your wellbeing during these times. We all have many questions about how the next several months will unfold and our local will continue to share new information with you as it becomes available to us. Please continue to reach out with specific questions and comments about […]

Update #3 on COVID-19

We hope you are all keeping well during this difficult time. Recognizing that we are inundated with COVID-19 e-mails, and that the situation is constantly changing, our communication to you will be streamlined. The two most common questions we are receiving from faculty concern (1) intellectual property rights and (2) our pay. Here is what […]

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