OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

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OPSEU Local 415 condemns the ongoing truck convoy protest. We respect and support everyone’s right to peacefully protest, but this occupation has long passed that point.  To all of our members impacted by the protest, please reach out to us if you require any support, including accessing resources from the college. Our local also has a solidarity fund to provide financial support to members experiencing hardship.
Have you marked your calendar for Local 415’s General Membership Meeting between 4-6 PM this Thursday February 10? This is another important opportunity to have your voice heard and to be engaged in the affairs of your local union. If you have not done so already, please follow this link to register here.
The college has released the 2022 academic seniority list. Please check the list to confirm the accuracy of your placement. If you note an inaccuracy, please contact the local as soon as possible.
We remain very proud of the solidarity shown by so many members around the challenges of the work-to-rule campaign. Remember, we are just a quick message away from providing support and answering your questions.
In solidarity,
Your Local 415 Leadership Team
Annette Bouzi, President
Judy Puritt, A/First Vice-President
Ala’ Qadi, A/Second Vice-President
Tracy Henderson, A/Chief Steward
Martin Lee, A/Secretary
Shawn Pentecost, Treasurer

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