We share in our community’s outrage at the recent antisemitic and hateful acts of vandalism on our campus.
There is no place at our college for antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Arab, anti-Indigenous and anti-Black racism. We raise our voices against all forms of oppression and persecution which affect people and marginalized groups on a day-to-day basis.
The acts of violence that we experience in our community can bring about a deep sense of hopelessness and despair. We invite you to turn that into action: educate yourself on antisemitism, racism and other forms of oppression.
Stewards of our union have been on a journey to build a culturally safer practice, rooted in anti-oppressive principles. We will continue that learning and teaching in the new year because our collective safety, dignity and freedom is all interconnected.
Remember, your union is always ready to defend any member against any form of racism and oppression.
In Solidarity,
Your Local 415 Leadership Team
Annette Bouzi, President
Judy Puritt, First Vice-President
Ala’ Qadi, Second Vice-President
Tracy Henderson, Chief Steward
Martin Lee, Secretary
Shawn Pentecost, Treasurer