Nominations are now open for the six officer positions of the local. Any of the 36 stewards listed below are eligible to be nominated for any of the six positions:
First Vice President
Second Vice President
Chief Steward
Nominations are open until Thursday, November 26 at 4 p.m. A nomination form appears below:
Ian Allen; Dan Anderson; Tim Aubin; Rod Bain; Landyn Blais; Louise Boudreault; Annette Bouzi; Sharleen Conrad-Beatty;Linda Crane; Enrico DeFrancesco; Pauline Edmonds; Tara Ettinger; Scott Fewer; Judy Flieler; David Haley; Stephen Heckbert; Tracy Henderson; Dushan Horvat; Jennifer Houselander; Pat Kennedy; J.P. Lamarche; Shawn McBride; David McCue; Moira McDonald; Virginia Mielke; Jerome Mizon; Patricia Murphy; Mike Nauth; Shawn Pentecost; Judy Puritt; Audrey Rosa; Maria Taylor; Claire Tortolo; Andrew Tyler; Jack Wilson; Leslie Wyman
Nelson Ross Laguna
OPSEU Region 4 Staff Rep.
I ___________________( name of nominator) nominate ____________________( name of nominee) for the position of _____________( name of position).
_________________( signature of Nominator)
I accept____________________ ( signature of nominee)
Please return to the Union Office, C215b, by November 26, 2015 at 4 p.m.