Nominations have closed for the officer positions for OPSEU Local 415.
The following positions have been acclaimed:
- President: Annette Bouzi
- Second Vice-President: Ala’ Qadi
- Treasurer: Shawn Pentecost
- Secretary: Martin Lee
There will be an election for the following two positions.
- First Vice-President: David Haley and Judy Puritt
- Chief Steward: JP Lamarche and Tracy Henderson
The election will take place electronically on Friday, December 10, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. All partial-load and full-time faculty who are members of the union in good standing are eligible to vote. The local must have your non-college e-mail address, where you will be sent a ballot on the morning of the election. If you have not registered your non-college e-mail with the local or are not sure if we have it, you can sign up here. After checking your spam and junk folders, if you do not have a ballot on election day and wish to vote, please e-mail
In solidarity,
Ceceil P. Beckford
OPSEU Staff Representative/Negotiator
Local 415 Election Officer