Ontario Liberal AGM, Solidarity Picket September 28th, Ottawa Convention Centre, 55 Colonel By Drive @4:30pm

OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

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Please join us with OSSTF, EFTO, CUPE, Allies and the Ottawa District Labour Council to send Dalton McGuinty a message at the Ontario Liberal Annual General Meeting. As you are aware the McGuinty Government has legislated teachers and support staff contracts across Ontario with Bill 115. This heinous and draconian move has taken fundamental human rights away to collectively bargain in this province. This shameful act is now a threat to all free collective bargaining in the public and private sector. The Liberals are hosting their annual general meeting all weekend we want to send them a reminder that this fight has just begun. We need you to pass the message onto all of your members and please find the time to attend. The right to free collective bargaining is essential to democracy and we need to let the Premier know loud and clear.


Ottawa Liberal Party Annual General Meeting

Date: September 28,2012

Location: Ottawa Convention Centre

55 Colonel By Drive

Please park at the convention centre and meet us out front at 4:30 PM

In Solidarity

Smokey, Dave and Chris


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