Have you already registered on the Partial-Load Registry for this year? Even if you registered last year, you must register every year.
What is the Partial-Load Registry? The Partial-Load Registry was one of the gains from the 2017 strike. Partial-load members sign up on the Registry with the college to obtain some guarantees about teaching for the following year. Algonquin College administers the Registry, and you can find details on it here.
What has changed about the Partial-Load Registry? Historically, the deadline for the Registry was September 30. However, under the imposed terms and conditions of the college, the deadline has been moved to April 30. As such, you have about a month to ensure your name is on the registry.
What do you have to do? Make sure you are registered on the Partial-Load Registry. Under the Collective Agreement (26.10 E), if you are currently employed as a partial-load faculty member, OR have taught eight service months as a partial-load faculty member within the last four years, you are entitled to register on the list and have priority for consideration on courses you have previously taught. If you need any assistance, please reach out to us.
You will continue to get reminders to register until the April 30 deadline. Please also spread the word!
Tracy Henderson,
Tara Ettinger,
Martin Lee
Partial Load Liaison Stewards
OPSEU Local 415