Happy New Year and Welcome to Winter 2021! In case you are new Partial-Load (PL), please let me introduce myself, Martin Lee, as your Partial-Load Liaison steward. I can be reached via COMMS@locallines.org
Contract Faculty felt the weight of 2020 in very particular ways: we heard you. This year, as we enter bargaining, we need to hear from each one of you and remain connected. At Algonquin College, PL faculty make up a full third of our Local 415 membership, and your issues are extremely important to us. Precarious work remains a focus of our advocacy. For example, during the last round of bargaining (2017), the PL Registry was created. In this round, we’re now in a position to work on strengthening that Registry.
How can you get involved? First, make sure your voice has been heard via the bargaining survey. If you missed last week’s email about the survey, you can request a new link via the COMMS@locallines.org e-mail until 5 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26.
Local 415 is scheduling a session to discus bargaining on February 4 at 4 PM. You will receive an email with more details of this in the coming days.
What is happening province-wide? There is a provincial PL meeting, scheduled for 6 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26. Please attend and stay informed.
You will get an update on the process of bargaining, you will hear about PL organizing efforts, and you will be introduced to the PL Bargaining Advisory Committee (BAC). You will also be able to ask questions and raise concerns during that meeting.
Topic: Partial Load Provincial Open House
Time: Jan 26, 2021 06:00 PM Montreal (Zoom-link was sent to your e-mail. If you did not receive an e-mail or link, please contact COMMS@locallines.org)
Please try to enjoy the semester, despite COVID. Stay warm, and keep in touch.
Martin Lee
OPSEU 415 PL Liaison Steward