General Membership Meeting
Please join us Thursday, August 31 from 11 AM to 1 PM in room T119 or virtually for our General Membership Meeting (GMM). You will find the meeting agenda here. At the meeting, we will provide an update on local and provincial matters, vote on new proposed bylaws, as well as proceed with elections to […]
General Membership Meeting
Please join us Thursday, September 1st from 2:00 to 4:00 PM for our Local 415 General Membership Meeting (GMM). Registration details to follow.
General Members Meeting
Please join us Monday, June 27th from 2:00 to 4:00 PM for our Local 415 General Membership Meeting (GMM). Please find the meeting agenda here. To participate, please follow these key steps: Using your non-college e-mail address, sign up here for our General Membership Meeting. Register before 12:00 PM on, Monday June 27th, 2022. We hope to see you […]