OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

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OPSEU Local 415 has been closely monitoring the developments around COVID-19. We are participating fully in discussions with Algonquin College regarding contingency planning. In addition to our concerns for a safe workplace, our role is to ensure that contingency plans are consistent with our Collective Agreement.

We are engaged in continued conversation with union locals at all community colleges. The following issues are what we are centering on:

  1. Technological and infrastructural challenges to online classes
  2. Sick days for contract faculty
  3. Workload tracking and the equitable distribution of tasks
  4. Intellectual property in the event of a mass upload of materials and content online
  5. Complex accommodations for students and faculty
  6. Accommodations and protections for at-risk employees and employees with at-risk family members
  7. Laboratory, workshop, practical and field activities and the recovery of learning outcomes for lessons which must be done in person
  8. Protocols to support international students who may face quarantines or the inability to return to their home countries

In light of the recent announcement to close public schools after March break, our local will continue to advocate for family accommodations.

If you have concerns around your work and COVID-19, please connect with us. If you send an email, please use the subject “COVID-19” to ensure we flag your email as urgent.

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