Board of Governors update–Stephen Heckbert, Academic representative on the board

OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

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Board of Governors update from Stephen Heckbert, Academic representative on the board

As I start my term on the board this year, the board will be looking at some key decisions over the next few years: the Healthy Living Initiative, the college’s strategic plan, and decisions about where to focus resources to ensure the long-term health of the organization.

In every post-secondary institution, there is concern about what changing demographics will mean for our colleges and universities, and many institutions are looking at ways of growing their offerings. Algonquin is no different, except we are one of the province’s larger institution and–as such–other institutions will be looking at us for leadership.

Now is the time, therefore, for academic staff to make sure they emphasize with their managers and college leadership that the single largest predictor of academic success for student is access to full-time faculty. That messages will need to be part of the strategic planning process, of the healthy living project, and of every conversation here at Algonquin in coming years.

We looked at a couple of issues as a board so far, but my main goal at present is to give you a mechanism to chat with your board representative about issues you want to see raised to the board and to give the means by which to reach me–my email is and you can always find me in the halls of N building if you want to chat,

Stephen Heckbert


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