Invitation for Algonquin College President and CEO Consultation Survey
Algonquin College’s Chair of the Board of Governors recently announced that Boyden consultants would be retained to assist the college’s search committee with the search for a new President and CEO of Algonquin College. I spoke with a representative of the firm this morning for close to 50 minutes regarding the hiring of the new […]
OPSEU Autism Rally-Mar.22
Good morning, Please find attached here a poster for the upcoming OPSEU “Rally for Children & Families who need quality public Autism Services at CHEO” being held on Friday March 22, 2019 at 3500 Fallowfield Road (outside Lisa MacLeod’s office) from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Thank you. In solidarity, Jennifer Moore ODLC Administration The […]
Student complaint policy SA:03 update
After representing a number of members at student complaint meetings in the fall, I e-mailed the college president in October, 2018 asking her to look into revamping the student complaint directive to incorporate some type of meaningful consequence for students bringing forward false complaints and allegations. I was assured that student services and human resources […]
Outsourcing of Our Work to Private Colleges
A very serious situation which has the potential to affect our jobs and retirement benefits is currently underway in our college system which requires the need for both DivEx and the Local to provide strong leadership now in anticipation of rocky times ahead with the Ford government. Currently 6 colleges contract out, to private colleges, […]
Security breach follow-up
The Local has filed a union grievance against the college for a failure to abide by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act in relation to the recent security breach. This grievance was filed to protect members whose personal information and data might have been compromised by the phishing attack. The grievance seeks […]
Protect Yourself Against Workday Security Breaches
During the past several days, faculty have identified to the local that they are quite concerned regarding the safety of their personal and banking information on the college’s Workday system. I asked the college president on February 6, if she could confirm that Social Insurance Numbers and banking information had not been compromised, given the […]
Union Membership Letter
You may have received an email with respect to your Union Membership from the college. You should disregard this, as it did not come from our local. Pat Kennedy, President OPSEU Local 415
REMINDER – OPSEU Local 415 2nd VP Election 13 February 2019
Sisters and brothers, Local 415 will be conducting an election for the 2nd Vice Presidents position. As you may recall the local held a by-election on December 5th, however I was unable to determine a successful candidate in the election due to inaccuracies on the voters list provided to the Union by the Employer. Due […]
“Teacher-less courses” offered at Algonquin’s new partner Northern College
It has come to the Local’s attention that Northern College, one of the colleges that Algonquin has partnered with under the recent Multi-College Collaboration Model agreement, offers “teacher-less courses”. Given the language of the agreement, and the parties’ commitment to “innovative delivery models”, everyone should take notice of the possible consequences of courses being delivered […]
{CAATA-Pres} Research into Multi-College Collaboration Agreements
From: RM Kennedy <> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2019 9:24 AM To: CAAT-A Presidents Cc: Tracy Henderson Subject: {CAATA-Pres} Research into Multi-College Collaboration Agreements Hello Presidents, As you may have heard, Algonquin College along with Sault, Lambton and Northern, have signed onto a “Multi-College Collaboration Model.” Tracy Henderson (from Local 415 and Divex […]