April 17 Ottawa Action on Education & Healthcare at MPP Jeremy Roberts Office
Ford’s budget on April 11 could mean more cuts to the programs and public services that working people and their families depend on: health care, education, public services, decent work and healthy communities are all at risk. The Ontario Federation of Labour has organized a day of action for Wednesday, April 17 2019. As part […]
CAAT Pension Plan funded status grows to 120% with benefit security reserves of $2.6 billion
The CAAT Pension Plan stands 120% funded on a going-concern basis, with a funding reserve of $2.6 billion, based on its latest actuarial valuation as at January 1, 2019. This is an improvement over last year’s valuation that showed the Plan 118% funded with a funding reserve of $2.3 billion. You may read the full […]
Update of the Board of Governors (BOG) meeting 3 February 25, 2019
I attended this meeting remotely from home as I had just had knee surgery and was unable to make the meeting in person. Here is my report to you the faculty. The meeting started with Celebrating Student Success and recognizing the students from the school of Business Marketing team who competed in the Ontario College […]
Partial Load Registry Information Update 20 Nov 2018
At a recent meeting of the College Employment Stability Committee (CESC), the college finally provided the faculty union local with the alphabetical list of the 120 of our 332 Partial-Load (PL) employees who were deemed eligible for priority hiring. No other data was provided to the local, except that the PL Registry for calendar year […]
Reminder – Register NOW on the Partial-Load Registry
One of the major gains from this round of bargaining is the Partial Load Registry that serves to prioritize the hiring of Partial Load employees who have registered their interest in being employed as a partial load employee in the following calendar year. Partial-Load Registry Application Form – 2019 Calendar Year All partial-load employees employed […]
Register NOW on the Partial-Load Registry
Register NOW on the Partial-Load Registry One of the major gains from this round of bargaining is the Partial Load Registry that serves to prioritize the hiring of Partial Load employees who have registered their interest in being employed as a partial load employee in the following calendar year. Partial-Load Registry Application Form – 2019 […]
Distance Education On-Line Courses
The faculty union recommends that Partial Load faculty who either do not have a full-load of 12 hours per week or who have been denied Partial Load employment status because their manager has advised them that there are no courses available, check out the Distance Education courses that are are available, using the following link: http://www.algonquincollege.com/ccol/online/ […]
Program Cuts – 22 April 2018 Update
At the Board of Governors (BOG) meeting of April 16, 2018. Kelley Denham, a graduate of the SSW program in Perth made an excellent presentation on the success she achieved through the program. Kelley is a single mother of four who has a full time job working in the field she was trained. On this […]
CAAT Pension Plan annual report released with video
The CAAT Pension Plan 2017 annual report is now available on the CAAT Pension Plan website in English and French together with a short animated video. The report details a notably strong year of investment performance that demonstrates the focus the Plan has on delivering value and securing pension benefits. It also notes the intention […]
Taxable Status of Strike Pay
The local has received numerous querries regarding the taxable status of Strike Pay. This is addressed on the Canada Revenue Agency website at the following link: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/personal-income/amounts-that-taxed.html Pat Kennedy President, OPSEU Local 415