Partial Load Registry Information Update 20 Nov 2018

OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

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At a recent meeting of the College Employment Stability Committee (CESC), the college finally provided the faculty union local with the alphabetical list of the 120 of our 332 Partial-Load (PL) employees who were deemed eligible for priority hiring. No other data was provided to the local, except that the PL Registry for calendar year 2020 will re-open January 1, 2019 and close October 30, 2019.

If you believe that you have any misgivings about the Partial Load Registry, the local advises you to contact your manager and ask for the following information:
– a record of your teaching experience, including a detail report of the total months of service according to Article 26.10 C;
– a list of all faculty who have been offered Partial-Load contracts that include any of the courses that you have previously taught in the school/department; and
– a list of the total service of all of those faculty members.

Once you have this information, you are advised to contact the local to determine whether your rights have been violated, and whether you are therefore in a position to assert those rights through a grievance.

Your manger must have access to this information, to apply the Collective Agreement properly, so if your manager is unwilling or unable to provide this information to you, please inform us.

Tracy Henderson, Steward
OPSEU Local 415
1st Alternate, CAAT-A DIVEX


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