Register NOW on the Partial-Load Registry
One of the major gains from this round of bargaining is the Partial Load Registry that serves to prioritize the hiring of Partial Load employees who have registered their interest in being employed as a partial load employee in the following calendar year.
Partial-Load Registry Application Form – 2019 Calendar Year
All partial-load employees employed for all or part of the period from September 1 to December 31, 2017 will be deemed to have registered for the 2018-2019 academic year; however, by October 30th in each calendar year , a currently or previously employed partial-load employee must register their interest in being employed as a partial-load employee in the following calendar year.
Further employee information regarding the Partial-Load Registry may be found on the following college webpage:
Register NOW on the Partial-Load Registry:
The college Partial-Load Registry Application Form for the 2019 Calendar Year is located at the following webpage:
Note that all requests to be added to the registry for the 2019 Calendar Year must come in before October 30th, 2018.
Pat Kennedy, President
OPSEU Local 415