College audit of union dues and pension plan contributions

OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

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Last week, I received the two attached memos from the college advising me that the Workday system has been either over-deducting, or under-deducting (or possible not deducting) union dues and/or pension contributions for many members. The memos outline the number of full-time faculty impacted. They also state that the number of other than full-time staff impacted is “unknown”.

As pension sponsor, I contacted David Haley, who is a pension trustee, and we contacted CAAT Pension and informed them of the irregularities related to pension contributions.  I have been in touch with Derek Dobson, CEO and plan manager of the pension plan to advise him of the issue as well.

I have also communicated with Smokey Thomas, president of OPSEU, and Nelson Ross Laguna, OPSEU staff representative about the union dues issue. 

These are serious issues for our members. The memos do not address the impact on benefits, or the partial-load registry. I’ve asked the college to clarify the status of these employees, and the college is currently working on the issue.

The Local is engaged with the college, OPSEU and CAAT Pension in resolving these issues. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the union office at extension #7716.

Pat Kennedy,

President, Local 415

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