Free tax clinic for staff and students on low income

OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

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The following message is being sent on behalf of ACORN, an independent anti-poverty organization that represents low and moderate income families. We advocate for access to affordable housing, safer neighborhoods, and higher standards of living in our communities. ACORN is endorsed by OPSEU 415.

They want to let you know about their Free Tax Clinic that helps low-income families and vulnerable persons file their taxes and avoid the high fees associated with corporate providers.

In order to support this service, they run a cost-recovery Tax Collective, which allows community members who exceed the low income cut-off to file their taxes at a reduced rate.

This is a feel-good tax-filing service where the fees support ACORN’S community development efforts. It provided a more ethical and affordable alternative to corporate providers.

This maybe of particular interest to your students

With tax season fast approaching, individuals may book an appointment with our Tax Collective now  by emailing us at

Fight poverty while getting your taxes done! 

For more information, contact Liam Bedard, Tax Collective Coordinator Ottawa ACORN 404 McArthur Avenue 613-746-5999

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