Please join us on Wednesday, May 29 from 2 to 4 PM in room T130 or virtually for our Election General Membership Meeting (EGMM). You will find the meeting agenda here. At the meeting, an update will be provided on local and provincial matters. We will also proceed with the election of the six Officers of your Local and elections to union committees for 2024-2026.
During the EGMM, nominations for all elected positions may be raised from the floor. Nominations for Officers can also be made in advance of the meeting using the attached Officer Nomination Form. Those stewards whose names appear on this list are eligible to be nominated. The nomination form must be completed and sent to by 10 AM on Wednesday, May 29. Should an election be required for any of the positions, it will be held electronically during the EGMM.
Pursuant to Article 5.4.2 of your bylaws, candidates can submit campaign material for posting on your Local website and for distribution to the membership. Please click this link, where submitted campaign material will be posted as it becomes available.
To register for the EGMM, please follow these key steps:
- Using your non-college e-mail address, sign up here for our Election General Membership Meeting.
- Register before 10 AM on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.
- Please ensure you bring a smart device to allow for voting.
We hope to see you at the EGMM—your voice matters.
In solidarity,
Melissa Shaw
Regional Vice-President, OPSEU/SEFPO Region 4
OPSEU/SEFPO Local 415 Elections Moderator