Given that this is the first CA, they need our donations and financial support, of which I hear have been low and slow to reach them.
They are a very small local and would greatly benefit from extra physical support on their picket line and larger financial support. These brave women and men are fight a wealthy university their first collective agreement that should include fair language and fair wages.
Please contact Nelson Ross Laguna to find out where to mail cheques and the times of the picket line. Please show our Solidarity to Local 404, and help keep this fight for equality alive.
A Solidarity BBQ is being organized for Tuesday March 18 at 12:00 pm at the Bronson Avenue Entrance. Find poster here
They need bodies to support their picket lines, and they need funds to support their strike fund. PLEASE dig deep! They need our support!
In Solidarity,
Chrisy Tremblay
Pres. L454
RWC Regional 4
Chair -Ottawa Area Council