Reminder – Register NOW on the Partial-Load Registry

OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

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One of the major gains from the last round of bargaining is the Partial Load Registry that serves to prioritize the hiring of Partial Load employees who have registered their interest in being employed as a partial load employee in the following calendar year.

Registration for the 2020 Partial Load Registry opened in January 2019 and remains open until the October 30th cut off.  As per the collective agreement article 26.10 D “By October 30th in each calendar year, a currently or previously employed partial-load employee must register their interest in being employed as a partial-load employee in the following calendar year.  This individual will be considered a registered partial-load employee for the purpose of 26.10 E”.

It is the responsibility of the PL employee to register with the college by October 30th.  After that date the registry will be closed.

Please use the link provided to access the registration process.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding partial-load status or the registry as outlined in the collective agreement, please feel free to contact Tracy Henderson or the Faculty Union Office at Ext. 7716.

Tracy Henderson

Steward, OPSEU Local 415 1st Alternate, Divisional Executive

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