Seeking 8 Partial-Load BAC Members

OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

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On behalf of the Bargaining Team, the Divisional Executive (DivEx) is inviting Partial-Load members to submit applications for a position on the Bargaining Advisory Committee (BAC). We are looking to fill 8 Partial-Load member positions on the committee. These individuals will sit alongside 24 local delegates (1 delegate from each local) to collectively form the BAC.

You can find a PDF here that summarizes the role, expectations, and general structure of the BAC in relation to bargaining. Please review this PDF prior to submitting an application. If you have other questions relating to the committee or role of its participants, please contact the DivEx at

Application Details:

  1. Application documents:
    1. Completed questionnaire (see file here)
    2. CV (.docx or .pdf)
    3. A statement of interest expressing why you want to be a part of the BAC and what skills or attributes you would bring to the group (300 words max) – you may submit it as a video, audio, or written statement (.docx or .pdf). Please send completed applications to
  1. Deadline for application: Friday December 11, 2020.
  2. Selection Process: The DivEx will review all submissions and select members with consideration towards equity, background, diversity, experience, college size, and regional representation. Successful candidates will be notified by early January, 2021.  

Please share widely with your Partial-Load members.

In solidarity,

RM, Martin, Tracy, JP, Pearline
CAAT-A Divisional Executive

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