Strike Q & A, Sign up for OPSEU Strike Pay

OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

Are you receiving communications from the Local?

Would you like to receive updates? Please sign up with a non-college e‑mail address.

Thank you to all the faculty who responded to our request for private email and phone information so that we could ensure that in the event of a strike all OPSEU members performing strike duties are paid from the local strike fund without delay on a weekly basis.

Sign up for strike pay

In addition to receiving strike pay from the local strike fund in the event of a strike or lockout. OPSEU will also provide strike pay to OPSEU members in the colleges by direct deposit to their personal bank or credit union accounts. In order to process strike pay, the union needs updated dependent information and direct deposit information. The OPSEU sign up page is here:



  1. In order to sign up for OPSEU strike pay you will require your OPSEU membership number. If you do not know it or are not currently a member of OPSEU, please contact the union office administrator in the union office (C215b) between 8:00 and 4:00, call her at 7716 or email her at
  2. If you have any difficulties with OPSEU portal for strike pay sign up, contact one of the following members of OPSEU Executive Board:

Gareth Jones, Regional Vice-President,
Smokey Thomas, President,
Chrisy Tremblay,


Strike/lockout Q&A

Questions and answers about being on strike or lockout for OPSEU members in the College Academic Division can be found here:



Pat Kennedy, President

OPSEU Local 415


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