June Message
As we wrap up June, many faculty members and colleagues are beginning annual leave while others are returning to work the July-August portion of the Spring semester. Best wishes to both groups and please note these quick reminders: Brightspace and Article 13 Update: Members have approached the Local regarding questions of ownership of Brightspace shells, PowerPoint presentations, […]
Statement from the Local Executive on #ScholarStrikeCanada
Dear Colleagues, We write you at the end of the first day of the Scholar Strike day of action, organized by scholars across North America, as a call to action for social and racial justice. You can read more about the events here. There are many ways to participate and we will support all members […]
Academic Freedom and Course Delivery
As we finalize our preparation for the fall term start up, it felt timely to highlight a significant gain achieved during our last round of bargaining: academic freedom. Under Article 13.04 “Every faculty member is able to exercise academic freedom in the performance of his/her duties. Academic freedom at the College includes the right to […]