As we wrap up June, many faculty members and colleagues are beginning annual leave while others are returning to work the July-August portion of the Spring semester. Best wishes to both groups and please note these quick reminders:
Brightspace and Article 13 Update:
Members have approached the Local regarding questions of ownership of Brightspace shells, PowerPoint presentations, as well as other content related to lectures, activities, and assessment. Faculty members have academic freedom under Article 13. Broadly, Article 13 includes protection of faculty speech, judgment of our course evaluation methods, the right to choose our course material, determine student grades and course delivery methods. This is different from copyright and intellectual property.
As the college moves forward with plans for a Private-College Partnership Program (PCPP), it is important to remember to be intentional in what we post on Brightspace. We are required to follow the technology requirement outlined in AA42 Learning Management System (see especially “4. Course Sites – Required Elements”). With the college’s ability to copy and archive materials, the Local advises to safeguard your intellectual property and only share that which is required.
Earlier this week, we completed our first ever virtual General Membership Meeting (GMM). Thank you to all who attended and participated. Many members continue to reach out to express their appreciation of the Local’s work – these messages are encouraging. You’ll be pleased to know that we continue to challenge the college about workload, equitable work assignment, and adhering to our Collective Agreement rights. We expect to hold another GMM in the early Fall semester.
As you know, our Collective Agreement expires on September 30 and bargaining is expected to begin shortly. Please watch your e-mails for updates from our CAAT-A Bargaining Team throughout the coming months.
We want to acknowledge all our hardworking members for everything you have done to maintain quality education during these difficult times. Please forward any questions to – our office now remains open over the summer to support members.
In solidarity,
Annette Bouzi (she/her)
President, OPSEU Local 415