Employment Stability

Employment Stability

Partial-Load Registry Reminder

Have you already registered on the Partial-Load Registry for this year? Even if you registered last year, you must register every year. What is the Partial-Load Registry? The Partial-Load Registry was one of the gains from the 2017 strike. Partial-load members sign up on the Registry with the college to obtain some guarantees about teaching for […]

Partial-Load Registry Closes Today

Please remember that the Partial-Load Registry closes today. If you have not already done so, please register your interest on the registry immediately. In order to be eligible for priority hiring in the 2021 calendar year, you must be registered. You can find the link here. Also, our Local’s Partial-Load Hardship Fund still has monies […]

Partial-Load Update – September

Hopefully you have had a good start to the semester, and you have settled into a routine balancing Algonquin with your home life. You will have seen a few messages that have been sent to all of our OPSEU 415 faculty members in recent weeks; however, this message is specifically directed to you as contract […]

Local Update May 2020

We hope that you are staying safe and prioritizing your wellbeing during these times. We all have many questions about how the next several months will unfold and our local will continue to share new information with you as it becomes available to us. Please continue to reach out with specific questions and comments about […]

Update for Partial-load faculty

Earlier today, the College announced that it will be extending Winter term partial-load contracts previously scheduled to end mid-April to May 1, 2020. The local had been advocating for the College to compensate part-time faculty for time spent on COVID-19-related additional work, including the extension of the grade deadline and we are encouraged that the College […]

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