Local Lines 2019 Calendar

OPSEU Local 415

OPSEU Local 415 is the democratically-run body that represents Algonquin College full-time and partial-load faculty (professors and instructors), cousellors, and librarians.

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Good day!

Attached are two version of Local Lines 2019 Calendar.

If you would like to print a wall/binder copy of the calendar, download and print  Local Lines 2019 Calendar – Wall or Binder.pdf

If you would like to print a booklet form of the calendar, download and print Local Lines 2019 Calendar – Booklet.pdf

Note that in order to print the latter version, you must have a duplex printer (a printer that prints on both sides of the paper) and set it as follows: a. Print on both sides of paper and b.  Flip on short edge. Once printed, fold the pages to form a booklet and staple as applicable.

Paper copies of the 2019 Local Lines calendar (flip-stand style) are also available in limited quantities in the union office, C215b

The Adobe versions  is placed on the Calendar page


OPSEU Local 415 Communications Officer


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